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In my last article, I discussed how organizations can keep bad management from negatively impacting their bottom line. But what about the employee and manager involved? Keep reading! Just because two individuals may not be getting along does not mean that one should just jump ship. Think about your career. Do you like the company and […]

Have you ever heard of the saying, “You don’t quit your job; you quit your boss”? It’s certainly true. Bad management can cause employees to feel under-appreciated, frustrated and stressed out, leaving them uninterested in their work and looking for a way out. When you hear “bad management” you may think of the screaming supervisor, […]

It’s hard to find an exact science on how to look for a job. Job searching can be a very daunting experience. With so many methods of applying for jobs, it is getting easier for under-qualified or over-qualified candidates to get in the way of your resume. If you are lucky enough to be called […]