Training Tools, Tips & Resources

Training resources blog by Corexcel. Your connection to everything related to training.

Prepare for 2012 – Enroll your team in our Online Leadership Program

Management styles weigh heavily on overall employee satisfaction. While a savvy manager can inspire and motivate team members, a poor manager has the opposite effect, and the entire department — and company — will suffer as a consequence.

Productivity declines, employee morale diminishes and eventually the top performers will start looking for jobs elsewhere — perhaps with your competitors.

Our online leadership courses teach leaders of any level or industry contemporary techniques for effective leadership which improves their performance and increases productivity of both the team and organization.

Participants have one full year to complete the courses. You’ll have 24/7 access to ALL of the courses – you can complete each course one at a time, or visit each of the courses frequently. How and when you complete the courses is entirely up to you!

This does not apply to monthly online billing or existing customers. This online special will expire December 30, 2011. To guarantee this special pricing,call the Corexcel offices at 1-888-658-6641.

There are no limits or restrictions. Enroll 1, 10, 50 or 100 managers. But hurry! This offer ends Dec. 30th, so CALL to register today: 1-888-658-6641 (M-F, 9am – 5:30pm Eastern Time).

Don’t show ’em the money (even if you have it). Here are nine better ways to boost morale.

Inc. Magazine, Nov. 28, 2011:

The ability to motivate employees is one of the greatest skills an entrepreneur can possess. Two years ago, I realized I didn’t have this skill. So I hired a CEO who did.

Josh had 12 years in the corporate world, which included running a major department at Comcast. I knew he was seasoned, but I was still skeptical at first. We were going through some tough growing pains, and I thought that a lack of cash would make it extremely difficult to improve the company morale.

I was wrong.

With his help and the help of the great team leaders he put in place, Josh not only rebuilt the culture, but also created a passionate, hard-working team that is as committed to growing and improving the company as I am.

Here are nine things I learned from him:

1. Be generous with praise. Everyone wants it and it’s one of the easiest things to give. Plus, praise from the CEO goes a lot farther than you might think. Praise every improvement that you see your team members make. Once you’re comfortable delivering praise one-on-one to an employee, try praising them in front of others.

2. Get rid of the managers. Projects without project managers? That doesn’t seem right! Try it. Removing the project lead or supervisor and empowering your staff to work together as a team rather then everyone reporting to one individual can do wonders. Think about it. What’s worse than letting your supervisor down? Letting your team down! Allowing people to work together as a team, on an equal level with their co-workers, will often produce better projects faster. People will come in early, stay late, and devote more of their energy to solving problems.

3. Make your ideas theirs. People hate being told what to do. Instead of telling people what you want done; ask them in a way that will make them feel like they came up with the idea. “I’d like you to do it this way” turns into “Do you think it’s a good idea if we do it this way?” 

To continue to full blog story, click here.

Related Resources

Entrepreneur Online Courses
DiSC for Managers
Online Management Courses – Business Skills

Upcoming Everything DiSC® Certification Sessions

Visit Corexcel for current DiSC Certification dates.

Seats are filling up quickly, so please contact Corexcel at or 1-888-658-6641 (Mon. – Fri. 9am – 5:30pm Eastern Time) for more information.

About DiSC Certification

The Everything DiSC Certification programs are two-day training sessions held in Minneapolis, MN designed to help you fully understand the DiSC theory and successfully implement the Everything DiSC products within you or a client’s organization.

Through classroom discussions, real life examples and group presentations, you will learn the research behind DiSC and its circular model. You will be introduced to each of the Everything DiSC profiles, facilitator kits and supplemental reports. And what’s more, you will discover how to fully customize the kits to fit your training needs.

Why get certified?

We recommend the certification program for any organization or consultant looking to get the most out of using the Everything DiSC kits and profiles. This is also great for organizations who would like a Certified DiSC Trainer on staff to conduct in-house training programs. Attending a certification ensures that you have received the most up-to-date DiSC information and know exactly how to successfully implement the Everything DiSC profiles, kits and accessories.

About Everything DiSC profiles

Everything DiSC is the newest DiSC product line available.  Everything DiSC uses a 79-question assessment to provide personalized DiSC reports that can be used to increase effectiveness in each of your departments.

The Everything DiSC product line includes:

Since the Everything DiSC products were created to intermix with each other, group reports and other supplemental reports can incorporate employees who have taken any of the Everything DiSC profiles.

For more information on DiSC certification, Everything DiSC profiles or other training materials, please contact us at or 1-888-658-6641 (Mon. – Fri. 9am – 5:30pm Eastern Time).