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52% of US companies report difficulty filling jobs.
47% of employers blame prospects’ lack of “hard” job skills or technical skills.
35% of companies cite candidates’ lack of experience.
28% of companies are increasing staff training and development.

Source: Manpower Group

(Wall Street Journal, October 24, 2011): Everybody’s heard the complaints about recruiting lately. Even with unemployment hovering around 9%, companies are grousing that they can’t find skilled workers, and filling a job can take months of hunting.

Employers are quick to lay blame. Schools aren’t giving kids the right kind of training. The government isn’t letting in enough high-skill immigrants. The list goes on and on.

But I believe that the real culprits are the employers themselves.

With an abundance of workers to choose from, employers are demanding more of job candidates than ever before. They want prospective workers to be able to fill a role right away, without any training or ramp-up time.

Bad for Companies, Bad for Economy

In other words, to get a job, you have to have that job already. It’s a Catch-22 situation for workers—and it’s hurting companies and the economy.

To get America’s job engine revving again, companies need to stop pinning so much of the blame on our nation’s education system…

Continue reading full article.


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Everything DiSC Work of Leaders combines the power of DiSC with leadership best practices to provide a clear, detailed and personalized action plan for leadership improvement. The personalized leadership report is great for ANY leader of ANY industry and experience-level interested in learning more about their leadership style and improving their effectiveness with others. And, as part of the Everything DiSC product line, you can run group culture, facilitator and comparison reports across any Everything DiSC profile (including Work of Leaders!).

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Overland Park, KS (Kansas City area)
November 3, 2011
Registration Deadline: October 27th

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November 4, 2011
Registration Deadline: October 28th

Framingham, MA (Boston area)
November 15, 2011
Registration Deadline: November 8th

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November 16, 2011
Registration Deadline: November 9th

7:30 – 8:30am: Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30 – 10:00am: Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Client Showcase

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  • Summary of their leadership strengths and challenges so they can create a clear path for action.

How to Register

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In T&D’s October2011 issue, I couldn’t help but find a list of unique résumé and interview answers. Can you blame me, with a title like, “Contact Information Includes ‘shakinmybootie’…” how could I turn the page without reading?

A recent CareerBuilder survey conducted by Harris Interactive asked more than 2,600 employers to share their interesting, unusual and downright bizarre résumé and interview experiences. If you are NOT in the mood to crack a smile, I recommend you stop reading immediately.

  • Candidate said the more you paid him, the harder he worked.
  • Candidate was fired from different jobs, but included each one as a reference.
  • Candidate said he just wanted an opportunity to show off his new tie.
  • Candidate listed her dog as a reference.
  • Candidate listed the ability to do the moonwalk as a special skill.
  • Candidates- a husband and wife looking to job share submitted a co-written poem.
  • Candidate included “versatile toes” as a selling point.
  • Candidate said that he would be a “good asset to the company,” but failed to include the “et” in the word “asset.”
  • Candidate’s email address on the résumé had “shakinmybootie” in it.
  • Candidate included that she survived a bite from a deadly aquatic animal.
  • Candidate used first name only.
  • Candidate asked, “Would you pass up an opportunity to hire someone like this? I think not.”
  • Candidate insisted that the company pay him to interview with them because his time was valuable.
  • Candidate shipped a lemon with résumé, stating, “I am not a lemon.”
  • Candidate included that he was arrested for assaulting his previous boss.

So what can we learn from this?

I completely get it. I was searching for a job just 2 years ago (Gosh, how time flies!). I know how difficult it is to want to fit perfectly into a potential employer’s bigger plan while still wanting to be unique and get noticed in the first place. HOWEVER, I can also confidently say that having an email address like “shakinmybootie” is the WRONG way to be memorable.

Here’s the advice I always gave my students as a Career Services advisor at a local technical school… Be the professional version of yourself. Be proud of your accomplishments but remain humble. And don’t forget to ask yourself, “Would I hire someone that said/did/wrote that on a résumé?”

Chime in!

Do you have a memorable résumé or interview moment? Any other words of advice to job seekers? Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you.

Need some help?

If you’re currently looking for a job, but need some help, check out our Job Search course. An inexpensive, self-paced online course designed to help you develop better resume writing, search techniques and interviewing skills.