Training Tools, Tips & Resources

Training resources blog by Corexcel. Your connection to everything related to training.

The NEW USB drive makes customizing your DiSC® training programs even easier!

If you’re tired of toggling back and forth between your DiSC DVD for videos and your PowerPoint presentation, then this upgrade is for you. Now you can replace your existing DVD with an USB that incorporates the content, videos and resources materials in one easy-to-use package.

Why should you upgrade?

Upgrading to the USB format means:

  • Easier customization of Leader’s Guide and other Worksheets
  • Videos embedded into PowerPoint eliminates the toggle between the PowerPoint presentation and DVD
  • Less bulky & easier to transport

About the DiSC Facilitator Kit

The DiSC Facilitator Kit provides pre-developed modules and course outlines that help you create simple, effective DiSC based training – right out of the box! Mix and match modules to provide the most effective training for your group, and customize them to keep your brand in front of clients or employees.

Read more about the Everything DiSC Facilitator Kit.

If you have any questions, please call Corexcel at 1.888.658.6641. Our offices are open Monday – Friday, 9am – 5:30pm Eastern Time.

Now when you generate an Everything DiSC Group Culture or Facilitator Report, you can also generate a FREE Everything DiSC Group Poster! Your Group Poster will show your team’s dots on the brightly colored, easy to understand Everything DiSC circular map. Each poster is optimized for 24” by 36” printing, which means that it can be professionally printed and easily incorporated into your training program or posted in a common area.

Why use Group Reports?

Group Reports are a great way for facilitators and managers to get a big picture of their group’s DiSC styles and understand how those styles can influence how their group functions.

Some of our clients use group reports to help them:

  • Understand why a team works well
  • Deal more effectively with conflict
  • Plan their next hire
  • Stimulate discussion on personal preferences and differences

What Everything DiSC Group Reports are available?

You can generate an Everything DiSC Facilitator and Group Culture Reports once 3 participants have completed any of the Everything DiSC profiles:

Learn more about Everything DiSC by attending a Product Showcase.

What’s the difference between a Facilitator Report and a Group Culture Report?

The Everything DiSC Facilitator Report gives you a summary of each DiSC culture in your group, including a Group Map with participants’ names. The facilitator report is perfect for trainers looking to understand their audience. It helps answer questions like, “How should I customize the training, if a majority of our audience is…?”

The Everything DiSC Group Culture Report gives you a synopsis of your group’s DiSC style and its impact on their day-to-day activities. The group culture report provides constructive feedback on the group’s culture including advantages and disadvantages of the group’s style while keeping participants’ names anonymous.

EPIC Users

When creating an Everything DiSC Group Culture or Facilitator Report, you’ll see an option to also generate an Everything DiSC Group Poster. For 25 EPIC Credits, you’ll receive both the Everything DiSC Group Culture or Facilitator Report and the complimentary, one page Everything DiSC Group Poster.

Login to your EPIC account now.
Read more about EPIC.

Wow – social media has certainly become an important part of our personal (and work!) lives.

To celebrate, we’re giving away one free Everything DiSC® Sales profile (Value $83.75) to one lucky tweep!

How to enter:

  1. Follow us on Twitter: @Corexcel
  2. Find our contest post. Here’s a hint. It looks like this:
  3. Retweet it!

And that’s it… you’re entered to win! The winner will be announced at 10am Eastern Time tomorrow, so get to tweeting!

And, as always, thanks for connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites.


Jonelle Burns
Marketing Coordinator