Training Tools, Tips & Resources

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Browsing Posts tagged twitter

Twitter App, Vine – Changing the Way We Connect with our Schools We’ve all heard of social media success stories. Rebecca Black’s “Friday” (I just got the song stuck in your head, didn’t I? Sorry!) debuted on Youtube. Hundreds of professionals have been able to get their dream jobs through social media. There are many […]

Our customers are always asking us how they can improve their recruiting efforts and hiring process in order to obtain the best talent available. Although the unemployment numbers remain high, cultivating the best fit for your company is still a difficult task. While the hiring and interview process can become lengthy and detailed, it’s important […]

Don’t forget to visit Corexcel’s Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn pages for product news, training tips, coupons & promo codes! You could be missing out on important product updates, training tips, special discounts, and more! Currently, our Facebook fans are attending our DiSC Product Showcases for FREE! On LinkedIn, we recently offered 10% off of our […]